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Gain strength and lose weight!

Cathleen, 50


Cathleen never strength trained before, but was looking to lose weight.


12 weeks of strength training paired with walking on a treadmill helped Cathleen lose weight. Cathleen focused on getting in her protein as well as logging what she ate each day. She lost weight and gained muscle with attending PowHERhouse Fitness classes 4x per week for 12 weeks.

Build muscle & burn fat!

Jo, 46


Jo never lifted weights before but was looking to build strength, burn fat, have more energy and overall be more healthier.


Jo attended strength training classes 3x per week. She built muscle and lost weight! She committed herself to attending class and not making excuses not to show up.

Muscle gain!

Kelley, 49


Kelley never set foot in gym before she started at PowHERhouse Fitness. She had no idea on form or what to do each day. Her goal was to gain strength and build muscle.


Kelley committed to her health to get stronger. She attended classes 4x per week to gain lean muscle mass. PowHERhouse Fitness has guided her on how to eat to fuel her workouts in order to gain muscle. Kelley lost 9lbs and gained 2lbs of muscle in just 12 weeks.